Meet Our Pastors

Senior Pastors David and Naomi were born in Guyana and Suriname, South America, respectively, and migrated to the United States in their late teenage years. They have been married for almost two decades and are the proud parents of three children: Jonathan, Judah, and Ruth.
In obedience to the Holy Spirit, The Gate Church was incubated in their living room in November of 2014 with a handful of faith-filled, vision-driven, Kingdom-minded believers and was launched in the Wagoner community in August of 2015 with a vision to Love God – Love People, Honor God – Honor People, Serve God – Serve People for who they are (irrespective of where they are in life). Since the inception of The Gate Church, they have also founded The Gate Leadership Institute, The Gate Christian School, Hope In Sight (HIS) Community Outreach Ministry, and The Emerge Network of Churches (ENOC).
Pastor David preached his first sermon at the age of thirteen and has traveled in the United States and many nations in Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America releasing a very distinct message of the gospel of the Kingdom. He is also a condensed matter physicist and university professor. He serves as the apostolic leader of ENOC, and apostolic overseer of The Gate Inc., and gives apostolic oversight to churches and trans-local elders and leaders. Even though he walks in the five-fold office of an apostle, prophet, and teacher, his most valued titles are husband and daddy.
Pastor Naomi walks in the prophetic office and was introduce to ministry from childhood as her parents pioneered several churches, raised up leaders, and traveled to many nations of the world. She is a registered nurse and brings healing not just to the physically wounded but also to those who are emotionally and spiritually broken. Over the years pastor Naomi has been a spiritual mother to many, imparted to and raised up many spiritual daughters, supported and encouraged the wives of many leaders, and burns with a passion to see women of God embrace their true identity in Christ.